translated from Spanish: Study on Millenials readers ‘ habits in libraries: “They are complex users, for Categorizable Naras, and with diversity of tastes and interests”

The study ‘ What Leo and what I want to read ‘ was born from the restlessness and mystery generated by this age group ASO Fited to the millenials, specifically around their reading practices in libraries. This was used a non-random sample of regular users, a survey, an interview and two focus group, which also participated in those responsible for such spaces.
The results, released in the framework of this activity organized by the book and Reading Corporation, serve to learn more deeply the profile of this group and its demands to continue to encourage reading, the main objective of the Corporation.
Free Downloads and libraries
Among the data gained attention are the forms used by these young people to access their readings, which include the free download of digital books and the system of loaning physical books, over the purchase on the Internet or in physical stores. The ways in which they choose their readings are also interesting: 54.91% say that they are elected by recommendation of family or friends, 35.26% by recommendations of teachers or librarians, and 41.62% for reviews or articles printed in newspapers or Magazines.
Reading preferences shed relevant information for everyone involved in the book chain: a 31.91% claim that the reason they took the book is by entertainment, 23.77% per study, and then 21.3% to broaden their general knowledge. On the other hand, the type of texts they prefer are concentrated in the areas of history, politics and philosophy; Then fiction books, science fiction and fantasy; And then texts of mystery, thrillers or police. From this question, the genre with the lowest interest rate was poetry, which is then endorsed by a question ‘ what kind of books or collections do you feel are needed in the library? ‘, for which this genre had the least percentage again.
 Printed or digital?
The study also considered the preferences according to the formats of books, printed or digital. A 54.34% claimed to prefer the printed book, a 36.13% preferred both, and then 8.38% only the digital format. Apart from this, the study also provided information related to other habits related to activities carried out on the Internet. For example, more than 20% responded by participating in fan fiction scripts and/or readings. The same for online writing, Wattpad type. And 19.94% claimed to participate in network games.
Finally, “Are you satisfied with the variety of books that the library offers you?” was another question that UC researchers, together with Professor of the Institute of Education at University College London, Sam Duncan, consulted the nearly 350 Young. The vast majority of respondents reported a high level of satisfaction with the library of which they are frequent users: 91% said they were either “very satisfied” or “satisfied”.
The panelists talked about various topics from these results, starting with the way they choose their readings and preferences. “These users are very complex, for nothing categorizable, and have a great diversity of tastes and interests,” said Kristina Cordero. Vanessa San Mateo, meanwhile, assured that librarians ‘ recommendations are fundamental and allow largely that libraries continue to function because of that bond of trust. In relation to the preferences of genres, especially the low interest in poetry, Florencia García commented that this, being intentional, can become consumed. “These users are mainly moved by what one presents them, not so much by the search engines. This is why we believe that these percentages could change. ”
As for the formats, the director of the Digital Public Library said that this group does not care so much, but that they are more concerned about the content. “They are constantly nurturing and looking for different topics.” Jesus Diamantino, as a result, touched the issue of transmediality, ie that many times from the same book can produce an expanded fiction: a series, a videogame, platforms FAC fiction and even ghost play. “This is something that characterizes the users of this group and that can also generate more readers. For example, horror or fantasy genre has taken a lot of strength and I think it should be understood as a possibility of reading learned. It used to be unthinkable, but now it could be a good option, especially in the school stage. ”
Florencia Garcia said that a significant percentage of its catalog correspond to audiobooks that can be used by people with disabilities or not, and commented that it is a format consumed in a transversal way by different age groups, which more and more It is associated with new reading practices.
Readings chosen by schools
As for the readings chosen by the schools all the panelists agreed that the same books are still being requested year by year. “They are the same fifty books, with ‘ 100años de Soledad ‘”, said the coordinator of Library Management Viva. In front of it Kristina Cordero argued that it is an issue that could be improved in schools and also from the ministry. “The literary canon finally decided among all, but I am a believer that this canon is modified, evolves, and should be projecting these changes of habits and go knowing the apprehensions of the students. There you have to analyze how the readings are mediating, “said Jesús Diamantino.
Finally, the panelists talked about the importance of the physical space in the libraries as many of its users use them by necessity, for example, to study. In this line, it is a challenge to get people to arrive and also to stay. Florence Garcia, in this sense, said that Chileans do want to read-in fact, they are satisfied with libraries-but that the problem is in the access. “In our case we have enough deficiency in terms of footage. But more importance is to be able to reach unconventional spaces and improve in terms of new technologies and new genres. ”
The research, which was possible thanks to the National Fund for the promotion of book and Reading, was carried out from a sample made up of users between 18 and 29 years of age to 16 public libraries of 12 communes of the metropolitan region selected from D (e) Meetings with the Directorate of the National Public Library system (considering variables such as volume of loans and users of the age range), representing a diversity of high, medium and low NSE. Four private libraries were also included in high-turnout malls located in the middle and low NSE communes.
After establishing the libraries for the sample, a brief survey was distributed to young people that the librarians themselves identified as constant users. Thus, a final sample of 346 respondents was reached, of which 138 were men and 208 women. Of these, 64% correspond to the segment between 18 and 24 years; and 36, 25 to 29 years of age. Of the total number of respondents, 210 correspond to public libraries (61.0%) and 136 to Live Library users (39.90%).

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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