translated from Spanish: Marcela Cubillos: “I don’t do politics with polls in mind”

In the midst of the unemployment of teachers, which adds up to 10 days, and the possibility of a constitutional accusation against him, the Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, referred to the result obtained in the CEP Survey, where he obtained a 36% post-itiv assessment a. Although some regard it as a “triumph”, Cubillos lowers the figure’s profile, ensuring that she “does not lose”, in an interview with La Tercera. Along with the “high” rating, the survey also portrays that there is little knowledge in the public about it, to which Cubillos replies that “I do not do politics thinking neither of the surveys, nor in social networks, nor in evaluations, nor in charges. My big shot is to do the job the best it can, and obviously knowledge that allows you to reach more people with more information, and that’s a constantly developing task.” On the other hand, with regard to the cabinet change made on Thursday, Cubillos believes that “we have a good team and above all we have a very good president for the difficulties we have. When you see today that the main reasons why it costs to have higher approval ratings are on the side of economic difficulty, I think we have the right president for the hard times and that he has armed a good cabinet,” he said. She was also consulted about the breakup of José Antonio Kast, to which the minister recalled that she had to work “very close to him in many stages, he was a year older than me in college and I was always his lady’s classmate. We worked very closely on the Education Committee, at a head of the educational debate,” he said. In the same vein, he added that “regardless of how much in tune one has with his approaches, today what one wants is to see him always supporting that the government does well. He has the legitimate right to have his own political path, hopefully he will do so in common with Chile Vamos.” And on the possibility of the Kast party entering the right-wing conglomerate, the minister argues that in Chile We “should have as much diversity as possible, but that already depends on the political parties, the decisions that are made and how they converge in common goals.”

Original source in Spanish


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