translated from Spanish: Emotional farewell to Beatriz Solomon on social media

The model, actress and vedette Beatriz Solomon was a much loved person in the artistic environment. And her fight against cancer was known, something that Turkish herself spoke about a few weeks ago at the table of Mirtha Legrand, in her last public appearance before being admitted to the Fernandez Hospital where she died this Saturday, at the age of 65.

As soon as the news of her death broke, she was dismissed with sadness, former castmates, directors and other highlights of the show. One of the first was José María Muscari, who had summoned her to one of his plays.

So I want to remind you TURCA, always laughing, always shining, always doing goodAll my light and my mommy’s for your daughters. Q.E.P.D my beloved BEATRIZ SALOMONYour brightness is never going to GO OUT
Now you shine higher ❤️ — Jose Maria Muscari (@muscarijoseok)
June 15, 2019

Pata Villanueva, one of her friends, who had been accompanying her in the last time and had asked for chains of prayer, fired her with an image of Solomon on a stage.
Also adriana Brodsky, Silvia Pérez and Luisa Albinoni, as well as several show journalists and the Argentine Association of Actors, also did.

I ask for a prayer for Peace that you never found, rest in Peace dear Beatrice! #qepd — Adriana Brodsky (@AdriBrodsky)
June 15, 2019

QEPD dear friend ! Beatriz Solomon, model, actress, mom and excellent friend. We met at Induscreciones and immediately became friends. I was in the good times and the others.
QEPD dear Beatríz ! — Daniel Gómez Rinaldi (@drinaldioficial)
June 15, 2019

The actress, model and vedette Beatriz Solomon died at the age of 65. In his career of more than four decades he achieved great popularity for his appearances in film, theater and television. Our condolences to your daughters, family, friends and co-workers. — Argentine Actors Association (@actoresprensa)
June 15, 2019

I’ll miss my condolences to #noelia a betina her family and friends — Ana Rosenfeld (@AnaRosenfeldOk)
June 15, 2019

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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