translated from Spanish: Michel Platini is detained for alleged corruption in Qatar 2022 World Cup election

Michel Platini was arrested as part of an investigation for alleged corruption in the 2022 Qatar World Cup election process, according to Mediapart. The 63-year-old former UEFA footballer and president is being held in the Anti-Corruption Office of the Nanterres Judicial Police, a municipality in Paris.
Platini, who was president of UEFA from 2007 to 2015, is serving a four-year disqualification, ending this October, by skipping the code of ethics by accepting in 2011 a charge, authorized by Joseph Blatter, then FIFA president, of about 1.8 millions of euros.
This is not the first time Platini has been linked to the corruption of the Qatar World Cup. In 2016, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation for its attribution and for which it had to declare the three-time winner of the Ballon d’Or.
An investigation focusing on a 2010 meeting between Sarkozy and Qatari authorities in 2010 at the Elysee Palace, which WasGuéant and Dion attended. “There was Sophie Dion, who quoted NIcolas Sarkozy to tell her that she was going to vote (in favor of the Qatar 2018 and 2022 World Cup).
“I was coming to breakfast and I saw the president and Claude Guéant, there was also the crown prince and Prime Minister of Qatar (Sheik Hamad ben Jassem),” Platini told the police magistrate then.
The day after the World Cup was awarded in Qatar on 3 December 2010, the British press released evidence to show that several FIFA members had been corrupted. Several judicial investigations would then point to different leaders of the federations.
In January 2013, France Football published an article under the title ‘Qatargate’ in which he highlighted France’s supposed role in this World Cup attribution, just at the time of Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency.
In May 2014, in an interview on Swiss television, Blatter explained that Qatar’s choice for the organization of the 2022 World Cup “was politically adeal, both in France and Germany. (…) The main French and German companies are operating in Qatar, you know,” Blatter said.
Source: Vanguard

Original source in Spanish


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