translated from Spanish: Give migrants courses so they know their rights

Chicago– By launching his campaign for the 2020 election, Trump had proclaimed that his administration would launch a new operation in the coming days to deport millions of people living illegally in the country. Ceci Garcia believes that if her husband understood better what his rights are, he could have avoided deportation to Mexico after telling a Chicago suburban cop that he was arrested for a traffic violation in 2012 that he was living illegally in the United States United.

Failed to keep quiet, went on and told the truth, said the American citizen, mother of five

Help. Click the Google News star and follow usNow the Chicago woman spends her time teaching others how to prevent what happened to her husband, part of a growing effort nationwide since President Donald Trump took office and that in the lately it acquired a new urgency.

Ceci García, is dedicated to giving training to migrants. Photo: AP

On Saturday, he tweeted that he had postponed the plan two weeks in the hope that Democrats and Republicans could find solutions to “asylum and legal loopholes on the southern border.” From Los Angeles to Atlanta, activists and lawyers have set up “know your rights” workshops in schools, churches, shops, and consulates, recommending what to do if Immigration and Customs Enforcement is presented at home or on the streets. They have organized set-ups on how to behave, delivered pocket guides, provided phone lines to report, disseminated webinars and offered action plans. The result, activists argue, are immigrants with greater skills who are increasingly refusing to open their doors or provide information, something they hope will mitigate the impact of any operation.
It’s more about making sure people feel they have some power over what’s going on in their lives, Katarina Ramos said

The lawyer at the National Immigrant Justice Center also said, “And that they have some control over what is inherently a very alarming situation.” Whether it’s the American Civil Liberties Union or a nonprofit organization in the neighborhood, the trainingfocuses on the same ideas: the right to remain silent; refusing agents access to a home; not to sign anything without a legal representative; and ask agents to file papers. These are rights that lawyers say apply to anyone regardless of their legal status. Opening the door to an agent is an invitation that could lead to collateral arrests, so activists suggest talking through a door or window, something the Los Angeles Immigrant Human Rights Coalition describes in a video to so that they know their rights. In a pamphlet, the policy organization Mijente advises immigrants not to carry an ID of the country in which they were born to avoid bringing evidence that could be presented to an immigration court. The Chicago-based Resurrection Project recommends that migrants take video of the interaction with agents. If the agent asks to throw the phone on the floor, activists tell those who are training to comply, but not turn off the video camera.” We don’t want things to get any tougher,” said Laura Mendoza, who organizes immigrants.
That’s why we constantly talk about them knowing their rights

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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