translated from Spanish: Woman is convicted of cruelty and child abandonment

Photo/ Northants.police
World.- A woman from Northampton has been sentenced to Northampton Crown Court for causing serious physical harm to a six-month-old baby. Kim Frost, 37, of Nether Jackson Court, Northampton, pleaded guilty to Category A child cruelty and neglect, the most serious of its kind. She was sentenced to four years of custody, two of whom will perform her duties before she is granted leave.
In February 2018, a baby as young as 6 months old suffered injuries so severe that doctors described them as equivalent to what can be suffered by getting involved in a traffic collision or a fall from a first-floor window.
The woman was involved in what was described in court as a toxic relationship with a man at the time the events occurred and was detached from a series of heartbreaking texts and videos that he sent her about the child’s abuse to get his attention. causing him to finally contact the police on February 4, 2018.
As a result of the abuse, the victim suffered an injury so severe that it caused multiple skull fractures and a bruise, swelling of the brain.
The judge said” I am satisfied that he is guilty of gross and prolonged negligence and that the serious injuries suffered by the victim were not accidental and were caused by his hand, made worse by his inability to obtain medical help.”
“It is clear to me that the most serious injury, the main focus of our procedures, the injury to the child’s skull, was caused by significant force. It is also clear that he showed a deliberate disregard for the welfare of the child in seeking and drawing the attention of the man with which he was in a relationship at the time”
“The child is now 23 months old and, fortunately, seems to have fully recovered, but such was the severity of the injuries, the result could have been very different.”
Source: Northants.police

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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