translated from Spanish: Nico Furtado’s reflection on the decriminalization of marijuana in Argentina

Nicolás Furtado became one of the favorite actors in Argentina for his role as Diosito in “El Marginal”, the hit series about a criminal in Buenos Aires, but also became an image of marijuana use, when he was arrested at customs with the Substance. On this case, in which he was traveling from Uruguay, his native country, to Argentina with 32 grams for personal consumption, he slipped. “I never go out to clear anything up. If you see, you’re going to realize that I’m not interested in participating in that game, let alone in my personal life.”

Nicolas Furtado as “God” in the series El Marginal. Photo: Twitter @Furtado_Nico

“Things were said that were a lie. I believe that at some point Argentina will follow the path of Uruguay, because personal consumption is something completely different. It’s something to deal with responsibly and differentiate it from other cases,” he told People magazine. “You’re never going to get anything really true out of my personal life. I’m always going to run, mainly because then they become headlines, and a lot of people who buy the magazine don’t know me as an actor, and that’s where they get the headlines or what the note says,” he closed.

Original source in Spanish


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