translated from Spanish: Explosion in Pemex pipeline leaves three injured in Guanajuato

At around 9:30 a.m. on Monday, an explosion was recorded in a Pemex pipeline over the Southern pounding of the city of Celaya, Guanajuato, which left three people injured.

The contingency in the LP gas pipeline south of the city is controlled. There is no need for evacuation in surrounding areas.
So far only 3 people injured with first and second degree burns.
PC, Fire and Pemex personnel work in a coordinated manner.
— Municipality of Celaya (@municipiocelaya) July 1, 2019

According to municipal authorities, the injured have first- and second-degree burns.
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Following the incident, an operation was deployed by personnel of Protección Civil, Firefighters and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), who controlled the contingency in the pipeline that exploded, of LP gas.

At the moment there is a contingency in the southern area of Celaya in hydrocarbon pipelines, near the fair’s facilities.
We have to stay calm, it’s depopulated area.
Civil Protection and Firefighters are already on site.
— Municipality of Celaya (@municipiocelaya) July 1, 2019

The Mail Newspaper reported that the Celaya authorities explained that the pipeline was accidentally drilled by maintenance personnel, who were cleaning up on the Laja River.
With information from Periódico Correo.
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Original source in Spanish


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