translated from Spanish: Elvira Cristi stopped being vegan

In an interview with Radio ADN, actress Elvira Cristi confirmed that she left veganism and joined a new trend called “flexitarianism.” Today being vegan is very easy, I became vegan 20 years ago and it was very complex, vegetable milks had to be made to me, there was not so much information, I had traveled to Europe and in several houses squats being vegan was very normal , but I came to Chile, I said ‘already, I’m going vegan’ and it wasn’t easy (…) I learned to feed myself, which is different to eat. I was a very matte vegan, I had a vegan pregnancy and a breastfeeding vegan” commented the actress who will return to screens with the Chilean vision TV series, Gemelas.Cristi, recognized as a figure who encourages healthy food confessed that the decision was given in a way natural.” I always listen to my body. I was feeding badly because I was stressed, I was separating, I had a lot of work in a TV series, a series, a play and with my little son, and I started wanting to eat certain animal things, which hadn’t happened to me. I’d stop by the supermarket, watch goat cheese and make me want to buy, I’d say ‘no, no, I’m vegan’. I dreamed of oysters. But at one point I said ‘I’m not vegan, I’m Elvira and my body is asking me for a lot of things and I’m going to listen to it.'” Although it continues to consume vegetables, it expanded the variety of products with which it feeds. ” (I wanted to be) More flexible and not typecast, because one has to be happy (…) when I’m going to eat with a friend or I’m invited to dinner and there’s a peck with cheese, I’m going to eat.” In addition, having a son “who had a very vegan diet at first, taken care of with a lot of anthroposophical doctor, wanted to try chicken, meat, and I found it very difficult to cook something, i bought organic meat, organic egg. I didn’t want to restrict him by a decision of mine.”

Original source in Spanish


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