translated from Spanish: Spanish actor Arturo Fernández dies at 90

Madrid.- Spanish actor and theatrical entrepreneur Arturo Fernández died today at the age of 90 in a Madrid hospital where he had entered for an operation, sources near the interpreter of “High Seduction” informed EFE. The popular actor had entered the hospital in Madrid where he was operated on the morning of April 2 and could not overcome the post-op, according to the same sources. 

Fernández was touring Spain with the comedy “Alta seduction” and had had to suspend in Zamora, where it was scheduled for the last 22 and 23 March, and postpone the planned performance in Valencia for April 17.  
The roller coaster,” “Duck to Orange,” “Smoking” or “Men Don’t Lie” are some of his best-known titles in theater, although he also made television, with such successful series as “Truhanes”, derived from the same title as in cinema. Fernández received the titles of favorite son of his native and adopted Gijón de Oviedo, as well as awards such as those of the Syndicate of the Show for best actor (1961 and 1968), Nacional de Interpretación (1962), Nacional de Teatro Pepe Isbert (2002) Ministry of Culture of Merit in Fine Arts (2004). 

The artist was married between 1967 and 1978 to the aristocrat María Isabel Sensat Marqués, with whom he had three children. Since 1980, her partner is Carmen Quesada.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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