translated from Spanish: SMA audits Quintero Bay maritime terminals

The exclusive delegation of the Superintendency of the Environment in Quintero, together with professionals from the Regional Office of Valparaiso, carried out audit activities to the teres during yesterday’s maritime mines with environmental rating (RCA) resolutions to determine whether or not these are related to the contingency present in Quintero Bay, and which would be the cause of the erratic behavior of birds that inhabit the area.
The site arrived this morning by the Superintendent of the Environment (S), Rubén Verdugo accompanied by professionals from the Central Unit of the SMA, to reinforce the monitoring activities in quintero Bay, in conjunction with the Directorate General of the Maritime Territory Merchant Navy (DIRECTEMAR).
“The Superintendency of the Environment has been established on the site since yesterday, carrying out audit activities to verify whether or not some of the maritime terminals with environmental rating resolution (RCA) in the area are related to this contingency present on the beach of Loncura. Yesterday we carried out inspections in the auditable units: COPEC Quintero Maritime Terminal and Quintero ENAP Maritime Terminal, information that is already being analyzed by our team and that will be part of a Control Report. And during this day, we are monitoring Quintero Bay in conjunction with DIRECTEMAR to determine the origin of this contingency,” said Rubén Verdugo, Superintendent of the Environment (S).

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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