translated from Spanish: This is how the App works that lets you know when the collective arrives

The “When Subo” service started working with data from 6,750 busses, so users can know from the cell phone in how many minutes it will arrive at the stop. The service will soon be active in the more than 18,700 units of Ciudad and Gran Buenos Aires, and can be obtained with the application already available on Google Play, for free, for Android users.The Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, he hoped that this app will “change the way millions of people travel will change, who will no longer have to wait at the stop because they will be able to plan their trip knowing that the bus will arrive at the time indicated by the application”. How it works
The “When To Upload” application is the new service of the SUBE card that will let you know how much is left before the collective arrives.

In addition, you can save stops and lines as favorites to have direct access and schedule reminders to indicate how far in advance to generate an alert to go out to take the collective and you can also set days and time for the reminder to play. The “When SUBO” app allows you to create an alert to know when to leave home at the moment the bus is arriving at the stop and will allow punctuality and predictability to users in addition to the security of spending less time waiting. The implementation of the predictive service will be progressive and that all the lines that are loaded in the application will have at least 80% of their connected fleet.It started to work with 118 lines and by the end of the year you will find the entire Buenos aires Metropolitan Area. The new technology works on the basis of the information made available by municipalities, drivers and users and for this purpose more than 50,000 drivers were trained prior to launch. With the return of the users will be adjusted the stops and routes that are necessary to make the application work better and better. To know the list of groups that are already reporting in real time you must enter” This improves the control processes of the National Transport Regulatory Commission and generates incentives from companies for the fulfillment of services,” they said in the Ministry of Transport.In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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