translated from Spanish: Couple sues fertility clinic because having their babies they leave another race

Photograph/CEFER Institution
World.- A Couple from New York who spent about 90,0000 euros on in vitro fertilization has sued the clinic where they performed the treatment. They hoped to have two twins, but two boys of different race were born to the parents, procreated with the wrong embryos.
“Embryo gestation is a very difficult process and human errors are not uncommon in in vitro fertilization clinics,” expert Jake Anderson told CBS News. In their lawsuit, the couple, who married in 2012, claimed that the CHA Fertility Clinic knew about the embryos’ mistake and tried to hide it.
On its Internet portal, CHA Fertility Center states that it is one of the most outstanding fertility treatment networks in the world and has “realized the dreams of tens of thousands of families” in 22 countries.
When the babies were born in March, the father and mother, who are both of Asian origin, were surprised to see that neither had the characteristics of their race.
Genetic tests confirmed that the babies belonged to another partner, leading the plaintiffs to have to cede custody of the babies to their biological relatives. Genetic testing then showed that the little ones were not genetically related to each other, or to Y.Z. and A.P.
In vitro fertilization is the primary method of so-called assisted reproductive technologies (ART), and involves the extraction of a woman’s eggs, lab fertilization and the transfer of viable fertilized embryos to a woman’s uterus.
Not only was the plaintiff couple forced to hand over the babies to their biological parents, but they also don’t know what happened to their two female embryos. “From a medical point of view, from egg removal to transfer to the uterus there are many steps in the process,” gynecologist Jessica Shephard told fox.
Source: Antenna Three

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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