translated from Spanish: Key day in the sixth week of the teaching stoppage: new appointment between Cubillos and Aguilar today in the Mineduc

When the teaching stopbegins begins its sixth week, on Monday in offices of the Ministry of Education, the owner of the group Marcela Cubillos meets again with the table of the College of Teachers, headed by Mario Agui without the communist Jaime Gajardo, with a view to resolving the conflict.
This is the third opportunity in what is the mobilization in which Education Minister Marcela Cubillos agrees to sit at a table with the guild leaders, after the meetings on June 26 and 27. Around 10 a.m., the guild’s president, Mario Aguilar, arrived at the ministry with the leaders Darío Vásquez and Habnel Castillo Olave, after agreeing with the Mineduc that there were only three representatives of the guild at the table.
This decision has generated controversy, in the absence of the guild’s second vice-president, the communist Jaime Gajardo, who denounced the situation via social media and implied that it is an imposition of the minister accepted by Aguilar.
However, the president of the College of Teachers, before entering the building, took a megaphone and addressed the teachers who bet outside the ministerial headquarters. “There’s a lot of speculation that doesn’t help (…) you know you want to divide us,” he told them.
In his message, Aguilar said that they would receive the Mineduc proposal and insisted that no agreement will be reached today because ultimately it is the basis that will define the future of unemployment.
Giro del Mineduc
Last week there were no meetings between the parties, and the state of affairs was marked by the secretary of state’s decision not to attend the Senate for a special session and instead to privilege her journey north to see Tuesday’s total eclipse of the sun.
But finally the minister gave her arm to twist and on Friday she decided to contact Mario Aguilar to call him to this meeting. “I think it took the difference to someone there in La Moneda, in that they ultimately understand that it’s the only way for us to sit, talk and look for solutions, if that’s what needs to be done,” Aguilar noted via Twitter.
During the week, in the ministry they have insisted on trying to discredit the movement of teachers, pointing to the political differences between the guild’s president with Jaime Gajardo. Also, in the Mineduc they have insisted that all the conditions for returning to classes are given, because of the request of 12 guild claims, there are 9 that have already been answered. The top stones are the historical demand, the payment of the mention to differential and parvular educators, and the curriculum change that leaves History and Physical Education as optional in third and fourth middle.
No Gajardo
The conflict was also installed inside the school, since through social networks, the communist Jaime Gajardo launched a harsh criticism of Mario Aguilar for being left out of the meeting.
“A few moments ago I was informed that Minister Marcela Cubillos has imposed that the meeting quoted by her for tomorrow Monday 8 July is attended by only 3 leaders and our fellow president, Mario Aguilar, has accepted this imposition. Excluding the other 8 leaders who are part of the National Directory of the Chilean College of Teachers,” he said.
“The meeting was originally summoned by the secretary of state to be attended by only the president of the College. Several board members raised that this situation did not correspond. The guild president pointed out to us that Undersecretary Figueroa reported that three people can go, as it would be a rather “executive” meeting. This determination identified from the Ministry of Education was accepted,” he added.
“In this way, it ceases to be the National Board that negotiates and has become the president and whoever appoints the negotiators. Quite unusual situation in the historical experience of our guild. The Magisterium includes various political and trade union expressions of teachers, which are represented in the current National Directory.  This situation excludes national leaders from different political and passing visions, to whom we have a critical view of the current leadership.”
“We hope that there will be nothing cooked previously, as this situation seriously affects the autonomy of trade unions (…) The time for evaluating the movement is coming,” he concluded.
In any case, the president of the Magisterium has been emphatically that any agreement with the Government must be ratified by the teachers and denied an alleged rope agreement with the Government. “There is an agreement only when the bases ratify it. In our organization we don’t have the system of solving things in the kitchen. I cannot take an agreement if my colleagues have not validated it,” Aguilar said this weekend.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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