translated from Spanish: Mesecvi Committee of Experts expresses concern about TVN’s journalistic treatment in Case Fernanda Maciel

The Committee of Experts of the Monitoring Mechanism of the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI) expressed its concern because of the journalistic treatment that TVN has given to the case of Fernanda Maciel’s femicide.
In particular, the Mesecvi refers to the report transmitted by the state signal called: How much do we know about the personality of Fernanda Maciel?, which refers to Maciel’s psychological profile.
“This Committee is empathetic in pointing out that there is nothing to justify violence against women and that the media that relates these serious cases to love scandals, crimes of passion, infidelities or that disseminate the details of the personal lives of victims to justify their murders, do not contribute at all in the fight to eradicate the violence that so many women experience in Chile,” argues a statement from the organization.
The statement that “on the contrary, this type of genderless diffusion not only normalizes violence against them, but also misrepresents concepts, disinforms readers and viewers, confuses public opinion and increases tolerance towards violence against women by citizens.”
Mesecvi also referred to a publication of the newspaper La Segunda, from 25 June, entitled “The Love Scandal That Has Boris Johnson on the Strings,” alluding to a possible case of violence against a woman by a prime minister candidate in the Rein United.
“Violence against women is a global pandemic that no country in the world has managed to resolve. It is a complex cultural, social and political phenomenon that originates from many factors. Therefore, the prevention of this violence requires profound changes involving cultural backgrounds and responsibility on the part of all the actors who make up a society. In this scenario, the media is a key and relevant player in preventing violence and discrimination against women and girls,” she says.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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