translated from Spanish: Macri fired De la Rúa, Shakira’s message sense, Falklands veterans’ ovation, Almeyda over River and much more…

Here’s the news of the day

1. Mauricio Macri and Juliana Awada fired the remains of Fernando De la Rúa

Macri, present at the wake of Fernando de la Rúa Photo: NA

The national representative was present at The Congress with the first lady to say the final goodbye to the former president. Continue reading here…
2. Shakira’s farewell to Fernando de la Rúa: “I will always be your friend”

Shakira farewell message to Fernando de la Rúa Photo: Instagram @shakira

The Colombian artist who maintained a relationship with Antonio de la Rúa, son of the former president, fired him through his social networks with a sense of message. Continue reading here…
3. Ovation to Falkland Veterans in the Parade on July 9

Survivors of the General Belgrano cruiser paraded on Avenida Del Libertador.

Armed Forces men and women who participated in the 1982 War closed the Independence Day parade. Emotional greeting to the former fighters.  Continue reading here…
4. The hottest series returns: Where can you see it, what time and what will “The Marginal 3” be about?

Season three of “The Marginal” arrives Photo: Instagram

The fiction produced by Underground presents its third season tonight and we tell you everything you want to know: broadcast schedule, the characters that will add to the story, and what we will see throughout these new episodes and more. Continue reading here…
5. Nacho Sureda confessed why she identifies with Pantera

Nacho Sureda confessed why she identifies with Pantera

Tonight, from 22 hours on, the third season of El Marginal premieres, and Nacho Sureda tells us what it’s like to play Pantera. Continue reading here…
6. Driver rescued a nene after his mother forgot him in the collective

Federico Muñoz, the driver who took the child who was left on the bus with his mother Photo: Social Media

It happened in Mendoza, when the driver noticed that the child was alone in the vehicle, contacted the company to report what had happened. Continue reading here…
7. Matthias Almeyda assured that “he would not direct River again”

Matías Almeyda continues his dT career in the United States and rules out returning to River.

The current coach of San José Eartquakes ruled out returning to the Nunez club in the future. “I think River’s fan has already scarred the descent,” opined the “Pelado.” Continue reading here…
8. Tom Hanks turns 63: how he became the most beloved actor

That faithful friend

Tom Hanks is birthday and we have the perfect excuse to ‘analyze’ why he’s the most beloved guy in Hollywood. Sorry, Keanu. Continue reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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