translated from Spanish: Defense of former commander Oviedo filed lawsuits in The Supreme Court to overturn pre-trial detention

Today the allegations of the defense of the former commander-in-chief of the Army, Humberto Oviedo in the Supreme Court, were made. All this, in the context of the judicial process that is facing, after the minister visiting the Court of Martial, Romy Rutherford, began an investigation against the ex-military for embezzlement of public charges through the use of expenses Reserved. In this sense, Oviedo’s lawyer Gonzalo Rodríguez “the whole cause that follows against him is suspended (…) the detention that is what has already been alleged (…) it is in the judgment of us illegal and arbitrary.” The appeals that hope to revoke the precautionary pre-trial detention measure that was established for Oviedo were discussed at the time. It is also added that Minister Rutherford sent an office to the Constitutional Court to clarify whether the stay in the proceedings includes only Oviedo or others indicted in the case. The magistrate requested through the office, as stated La Tercera, that “if it has it, clarify whether the suspension, which it provides is effective thereafter, relates only to the required Mr. Humberto Patricio Oviedo Arriagada, or if it is also extends to the remaining accused, for all notebooks that are processed separately.” According to Rodriguez, he has no specific knowledge of the trade, ensuring that he would have leaked through the press and that “it is quite incomprehensible. If it were effective (…) The debate is about my representative (…) the only thing being discussed here is whether the suspension is on one edge or throughout the notebook and the Constitutional Court has said that it is in the whole cause,” he reiterated.

Original source in Spanish


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