translated from Spanish: Piñera defends decree for FFAA to combat drug trafficking at border

President Sebastián Piñera defended on Thursday the presidential decree that gives a new role to the Armed Forces (FFAA) in the fight against drug trafficking on the northern border, despite the criticism that has sprung up.
“Why did I make this decision? First, because we are going to do everything in our power to prevent the drug, which kills, that destroys, continues to poison our children, our young people, continue to reach our schools, schools, neighborhoods, homes, that is essential to use all the foundations that the law gives us,” the Mandatario said.
Piñera added that “as President of Chile I have not only the right, I have an obligation to fight with all the strength of our will, with all the rigor of the law and with all the tools and institutions that they can bring to win the battle of drugs , to drug trafficking.”
“For this reason, I made this decision, also based on very powerful reasons; drug use in our country is growing, Chilean children and young people are in the first place in the use of marijuana drugs, pastabase and that is a place we do not want to maintain.”
Piñera also noted that “drug production in two neighbouring countries such as Peru and Bolivia with which we have extensive borders – and in Colombia – is reaching record levels. We know that this drug uses Chile as a transit port to reach other countries around the world or to supply local consumption.”
On the other hand, he stated that “the seizure of drugs in our country remains very significant, which shows that there is a drug trade and that much of that drug trafficking enters our country through the northern borders. Chile has a northern border vulnerable to drug trafficking and organized crime.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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