translated from Spanish: Audio of baley taxi driver, promise of Alberto Fernández, Eva De Dominici pregnant, Gustavo Fernández champion and more…

Audio taxi driver shot in Neuquén; Eva De Dominici pregnant; Gustavo Fernandez Wimbledon champion and more…

1. Audio: A taxi driver was shot in Neuquén and so he would ask for help after being shot

Pablo Sanchez is 41 years old and struggles for his life after two criminals attacked him in the early hours of Saturday morning. Continue reading here…
2. Alberto Fernandez promised to “stand up to the Conicet” if he becomes president

The front-for-all pre-candidate participated in a meeting on education in Los Polvorines. He was accompanied by Axel Kicillof and Veronica Magario. Continue reading here… 
3. Eva De Dominici would have revealed her baby’s sex

With a suggestive publication, the actress could have made it known if she’ll give birth to a baby or baby. Continue reading here… 
4. Gustavo Fernandez, Wimbledon champion

The Cordoba beat world number one and settled in London. The emotional moment. Continue reading here… 
5. More than half the country with temperatures below 10

The cold returned to several areas of Argentina. In Santa Cruz, the lowest temperature was recorded this morning. And the highest ones came in Formosa. Continue reading here… 
6. Enzo is 11 years old, lost his parents in an accident and asks for a visit from Racing

They’re looking to spread their story so it can get to the club authorities. Continue reading here… 
7. Maxi Lopez: “I’m locked from my children’s phones”

The footballer told how little he sees Valentino, Constantine and Benedict and questioned Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi. Continue reading here… 

Original source in Spanish


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