translated from Spanish: Former Michoacán Finance Secretary to pay more than 570 million pesos for irregular sale of goods

Morelia, Michoacán.- The former finance secretary of Michoacán, Miguel López Miranda, is due to pay more than 570 million pesos for the irregular sale of state-owned bins during his time at the helm of the Ministry of Finance and Administration, during the period that Salvador Jara Guerrero was governor.
This was reported by the head of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Francisco Huergo Maurin, who detailed that the former secretary sold government properties at a price below its cadastral value, for which the Comptroller’s Office gathered the elements enough to enforce the sanction, however López Mirante made use of a review appeal, so he expects a final ruling from the Court, which should have been filed since May.
“It’s a very important amount, I don’t know which public servant can access that amount of money, they’re above 570 million pesos, which has to do with the issue of state-owned property sold at price below the cadastre.”
The comptroller detailed that López Miranda can declare himself able or not to be able to pay, and from there it will be analyzed whether a criminal proceeding against him continues against him
On whether there are cases similar to that of the former finance secretary, he stated that there are about 140 servers or former public servants who have been disabled or are in compensator proceedings, the vast majority of cases that have to do with the mobility of resources , or because of the lack of justification for traceability of resources.
Currently the administration of Silvano Aureoles Conejo, falls on the actions mentioned above, because the government pays the education payroll and is taken away from resources for other items or works, inconsistency that the comptroller, becomes a problem for the state.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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