translated from Spanish: Qualifying jury to study proposals from 7th Youth Parliament

Morelia; Michoacán.- Privileging the participation of young people from all the municipalities of the State, the chair woman of the Organizing Committee of the Seventh Youth Parliament, The Deputy Teresa Mora Covarrubias, handed over to the Deputy Octavio Ocampo Córdova, member of the Qualifier Jury, a total of 183 initiatives and projects registered to participate, reported in a statement.
In the presence of the Presiding Director of the Electoral Institute of Michoacán, Arturo Hernández Reyes, of the Director of the Institute of Research and Legislative Studies of the Michoacan Congress, José Becerril, as well as various officials and advisers of this Committee, Meps Teresa Mora, stated that out of the total of 183 participants, 132 were in the form of initiative, while 51 young people through a social project, so that once the total documents have been delivered to the Qualifying Jury, it will be in their hands the comprehensive review of initiatives and projects for further selection.
Mora Covarrubias, highlighted the coordinated work with the local deputies representing the electoral districts in the entity, since it has been a premise for the celebration of this seventh edition, to increase the participation of representatives of the interior of the state, nothing more than the capital.
In his turn, the mp Octavio Ocampo Córdova, highlighted the transparency and legality with which the scrutiny of the work will be carried out, in addition to the Qualification Jury, having to review that they comply with the extension established in the call; that are attached to the format, as well as that are innovative, viable, sustainable and socially relevant initiatives or projects for the Michoacan population.
In turn, the president of the Electoral Institute of Michoacán (IEM), Ramón Hernández, celebrated the disposition of this 74 Legislature and in a special way, the work and effort of President Teresa Mora, who pledged to increase not only the number of participants, but also the participation of young people from all over the state, even considering that it will be one of the parliaments with the highest call.
It should be noted that the deadline for the Jury to issue a verdict will be on August 9, so the invitation for participants to be aware of the information that is advertised through the institutional electronic media or the page is reiterated. Official of the Seventh Youth Parliament.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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