translated from Spanish: Cristina Kirchner presented sincerely in Mar del Plata but in campaign mode

Former President Cristina Kirchner remains estranged from the campaign for president, which has as the highest reference to who the candidate is really, Alberto Fernández, and continues to tour the country with the presentations of Sinceramente. However, this afternoon was not the same as the others: Cristina arrived in a territory that in weeks will vote for mayor and governor, so she was accompanied by the candidates: Fernanda Raverta and Axel Kicillof. Of his former economy minister he said: “It would be great if the Province had a ruler who understood what is going on with the economy.” Nor did she forget to criticize Maria Eugenia Vidal, the main one always pointed out by the vice candidate. CFK noted it for its statements that the increase in unemployment is due to an increase in the population: “It is a total nonsense;  either she said it to get out of the way or if she was advised that way and she’s convinced that’s all the Bonaerenses are in serious trouble.” Accompanied by Marcelo Figueras, the senator said of the national government that she “doesn’t miss anything” they do, but that she never thought “they were going to do this thing that they did, I had my suspicions, but not at this level.” Meanwhile, he did not ignore the episode that occurred in Mendoza, where a militant of Cambiamos beat the car of a candidate for councillor of the Front of All. CFK used the case to explain the media campaign he often denounces: “If that energy had been everyone’s militant it would surely have come out everywhere.” Finally, when talking about Raverta, the vice-presidential candidate stressed that “she has sensitivity and the problems of Argentines require sensitivity and capacity, with capacity only not enough”. 

Original source in Spanish


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