translated from Spanish: Mineduc conducts national survey to evaluate cell phone use in schools

Education Minister Marcela Cubillos launched a national survey to consult representatives, principals and teachers on the use of cell phones in the country’s schools.
The Secretary of State argued that the survey is aimed at classrooms and recesses because “it is also understood that for many students and for all families the child or young person carrying the cell phone to school is also a safety reason for those who bring to and from school.”
“What we are addressing here is the discussion with the use of cell phones in recesses and classrooms,” Cubillos said, adding that “what is important is to analyze what effects it is having. There are studies that demonstrate the effects they have on concentration.”
According to a mineduc statement, after the national consultation, a regional dialogue will be generated with representatives, directors and teachers to discuss the use of cell phones in educational establishments.
It is worth mentioning that according to a digital census conducted by VTR, seven out of 10 children have their own cell phone at age 9, and four out of 10 children and young people are more than three hours of the day connected to their mobile devices.
The taking of the cell phone to school has become widespread among schoolchildren, thus opening up the debate about the effects that this can have the development of students. According to the study “Effects of Cell Addiction in Schools”, which was developed by the University of the Andes in April 2018, 87% of respondents recognized that they take the cell phone to school every day and nearly 70% said they use it in the classroom.
This conversation has already taken place in countries such as France, where it was decided by law to ban the use of cell phones inside schools for students under the age of 15. To know the opinions on this issue in Chile, it is that it will be held between different actors of the educational communities this consultation that will start this Saturday and will be extended for one week.
The mode of the consultation will be through the sending of emails to 350 thousand representatives, teachers and directors, while it will also be available through a banner on the website

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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