translated from Spanish: Silvano Aureoles calls not to create speculation about the death of Martin Godoy

Morelia, Michoacán.- The governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, called not to make speculations about the death of Public Security Secretary José Martín Godoy Castro and the popular insurance live, Germán Ortega Silva, result of a plane crash where the helicopter they were travelling in collapsed in a community in the municipality of Villa Madero.
“Out of respect for them and their families, I call for waiting for the results of the research work, in order to avoid falling into any speculation.”
In a message to local media, the state representative mentioned that the incident was allegedly caused by weather conditions, however he said they will wait for the corresponding experts.
He recalled that Godoy Castro arrived in Michoacán as A Solicitor in January 2014, when the entity was experiencing its worst insecurity crisis, while Ortega Silva was highlighted as a pillar of health issues throughout the state.
The officials headed to the municipality of Huetamo, to formally kick-start the health plan for the State Police.
Finally, Aureoles Conejo ensured that public safety areas maintain their course in coordination with state, federal and municipal governments.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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