translated from Spanish: Minister Segpres: “We have to meet the programme commitments, which are eight years away”

The Minister General of the Presidency, Gonzalo Blumel, referred in talk with Cooperative Radio, to the repeal of the Reserved Copper Law and the new financing system that the FF.AA will have.” The current project that creates the new funding was sent in 2011 and in recent years was not processed. The most important thing is the will to open dialogue to build agreements,” Blumel said of the initiative.. Minister Segpres further referred to the decree allowing the FF.AA. to collaborate with the police in anti-organized crime and drug trafficking at the borders, which was reintroduced to the Comptroller’s Age, after the body asked to clarify the term ” collaboration.” “A key concept is to take advantage of the polyvalence of the Armed Forces, which are also used in peacetime to support different matters that are important to society. This decree establishes the collaboration mechanism, with all the tools that are available and can be used for this,” he said. Blumel also referred to the Executive’s legislative agenda and said that “we have to know that we have to meet the program’s commitments, which are eight years away.” “We have to comply, but we also have to be smart to properly prioritize and meet program commitments,” he said.Essal’s situationBlumel also referred to Essal’s situation, after the prolonged cut-off of drinking water supply in Osorno, and said that “there is absolute and total concern of the government regarding the events that have occurred, that is something we must address.” “Since this crisis, both the President and the authorities have done their best to minimize the effect and recover the water as soon as possible. There was a total concern,” he said. The Secretary of State, regarding any sanctions on the company, said that the report of the Superintendency of Health Services should be expected and recalled that “the President has raised that they have to be of maximum rigour. This is regulated in the law of how to proceed in these cases.” We’re going to have to review the regulation, the MOP has a proposal that we’re going to put forward in the next few weeks, it may be that the law has fallen short,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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