translated from Spanish: What We’ve Been Waiting for: a festival dedicated to brunch

Brunch is not at all Argentinian: its name is the union of the words breakfast and lunch, and here we import it, clearly, from the United States. However, in recent years the habit of late and hearty breakfast took hold in our payments. Every weekend, between noon and three or four in the afternoon, hundreds of hungry diners go out in search of a good menu that combines sweet and savory options in several steps, resulting in a combo that meets in voiding hangovers, filling the stomach and replenishing lunch sunday family (if necessary). Although it spread throughout the country, especially in Buenos Aires we find restaurants, bars and cafes that got on this move. And now, this new porteña custom finds an evolved format: you’re coming Circuito Brunchear, the first food festival dedicated to brunch. For three weeks (is it the longest event in history?), from Monday to Monday, more than 30 locals in the city will offer their specialties or menus designed for the occasion, with an exclusive discount of 25%. The appointment is from 1 to 22 September; we warn you in time so that you’ll come together wanting to go out and bite. In addition to all-public and out-of-pocket offers, those with Comafi Unique credit cards will access 20% accumulative with the original promotion throughout the first week. That is, they will pay 45% less than the usual value of each brunch. These are the participating places disseminated so far:Yeite 
Adorado Palermo
Bourbon Brunch & Beer
The Greyhounds 
Root Café
Uco (Fierro Hotel)
Aramburu Bis
Rabbit Coffee
Lab Sucre
Le Pain Quotidien
Williamsburg Belgrano and Alto Palermo
Buenos Aires Verde
Hotel Madero 
Import Coffee & Co. Liberty branch
Piani by Le Marguerite
Atenti: in La Plata and City Bell there will also be proposals by Café Urquiza, Flora, Paesano, Perla and Masse.

As is evident by looking at the list, in this first edition of the Brunchear Circuit there will be very varied cooking styles, as well as a very wide range of prices. The idea is from GDI, the agency that produces the Brunch program on Metro 95.1 radio, conducted by Nicolás Artusi, the Martelli Rabbit and Mariana Merlo. “When we started the program, ten years ago, we had to explain what a brunch was,” explains Artusi, one of the promoters of the cycle. Not today, there was a cultural change that caused brunch to spread and leave the hotels – their place of origin – to the street.”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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