translated from Spanish: Intoxicated in Uspallata schools: what the Medical Medical Corps says

At the beginning of July the news of the poisoning of students, carers and teachers in schools in Uspallata was known, with the course of the day the situation worsened. Classes should have been suspended for a full week. In the face of such a situation, the teachers’ union (SUTE) reported to the Directorate General of Schools.After analyzing the samples taken at Chrabalowski Hospital, organosphosphoates, carbamates and pyrethroids are discarded. Likewise, the Department of Food Hygiene, under the Ministry of Health, also did not find toxic substances in the water of school establishments. In the course of three schools in Uspallata, the Directorate of the Medical Forensic Corps, under the Public Prosecutor’s Office, found that no organophosphoated remains, carbamates and pyrethroids were found in the patient analysis. These results rule out all types of poisoning from these substances and especially from the 22 patients who entered nosocomio last Monday. Also, the Food Hygiene department ruled out that these toxic substances were in the water. Its report states that the samples taken in the water and mains tanks comply with the current regulations, Argentine food code art. 982. According to official sources, samples taken by Scientific Police will continue to be analysed and any other non-toxic residues that may be found will continue to be discarded. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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