translated from Spanish: Macri repudiated threats to the intellectuals and artists who supported him, all against Aníbal Fernández, two new Argentine medals in Lima and more…

1. Mauricio Macri repudiated threats to the intellectuals and artists who supported him

The president of the nation shared a letter on his social media in which he said, “It is worrying to see that intolerance grows this way.” I kept reading here…
2. Front of All against Aníbal Fernández: who took off from their sayings

The controversial statements of the former chief of staff generated repudiation within his own space. I kept reading here…
3. New silver and bronze medals for Argentina at the Pan American Games in Lima

Sofia Gómez Villafañe won the silver medal in mountain bike
Women’s canoeing gave Argentina a new bronze medal

4. Today marks Oliver Atom, legend of the Super Champions

The football’s best friend celebrates his birthday while he continues to run the court. I kept reading here…
5. Kicillof ensured that he does not receive orders from Maximus Kirchner and took off from The Campora

The pre-candidate for governor bonaerense crossed to María Eugenia Vidal, who assured that the arrival of the former economy minister in power would amount to the landing of La Cámpora in the province. I kept reading here…
6. They assaulted Luis Otero while opening a place in Together for Change

The journalist and pre-candidate for mayor of Avellaneda shared images of what happened during the event. I kept reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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