translated from Spanish: Mauricio Macri repudiated threats to the intellectuals and artists who supported him

Days ago, a group of intellectuals and artists issued a letter in support of Mauricio Macri for the election. Following publication, many of the signatories began to report that they were threatened for supporting officialism policies. From this situation, the president of the nation shared a message on his social networks in which he expressed his support for personalities and repudiated bullies, arguing that “no one, of any sign and for no reason, should be harassed for his ideas”.
Macri’s full message
“A letter was published on Friday with a call to vote for the Macri-Pichetto presidential formula. The letter was signed by a group of prominent intellectuals and people of culture who wanted to express the support they give to this formula in the next elections by making public their commitment to their first and last name, which means nothing more and nothing less than commit their reputation, sustained in their years of studies, trajectory, works and awards. A short time after that text and the list of signatories were made public, many of the people who appeared there began receiving private and public repudiation messages, attacks on their integrity and contempt for their person, as well as countless aggrieving tweets violent against them. It’s not the first time something like this has happened. On other occasions similar reactions were seen towards figures of the show, journalists and artists of other political signs who were also assaulted and insulted on social media for supporting a cause or a person or simply having different ideas on a subject. As is the case now with those who signed the letter of support, this form of intolerance seeks to punish participants and frighten others by seeking that no one dare to express divergent opinions. It is worrying to see that intolerance grows in this way, because bigotry is the exact opposite of democracy: there are no “intolerant democracies”. Democracy is by definition tolerant, inclusive, heterogeneous, broad. The more diverse opinions they bid, the more robust and intelligent the system. That is why as a society of the 21st century we have to learn to be very careful with this evil of the time. Harassment of the different is not a local phenomenon. So-called “digital lynching” happens all over the world and for causes that have nothing to do with each other. It always hurts, always divides society, frightens, dehumanizes, demoralizes and ends by destroying individual and collective freedom. No one, of any sign and for no cause, should be harassed by his ideas. As long as you do so in compliance with the laws of democracy, let everyone think, say and act as they wish.// Thank you to everyone who signed the letter of support. I agree with them, the rod must always be raised.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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