translated from Spanish: Gómez Centurión congratulated the gauchos on the violence against vegans

Presidential candidate Juan José Gómez Centurión was one of the few national election contenders who publicly issued himself about the vegan-gaucho fight. With conservatism as a flag and a vindication of the two lives, Gómez Centurión congratulated the gauchos who responded violently to the emergence of vegans in a sample that was held in La Rural. 

I congratulate the gauchos who kicked out vegans who were violently trying to impede the normal performance of the Rural Expocision. In the same way, but with water and gas, we’ll throw out the violent people who cut the streets during our government. Long live the Argentinian meat! — Juan José Gómez Centurión (@juanjomalvinas)
July 29, 2019

“I congratulate the gauchos who kicked out vegans who were violently trying to impede the normal performance of the Rural Exposion,” the former Director of Customs wrote on his Twitter account.In addition to the congratulations, the candidate for the NOS alliance took advantage of the to make a promise in case we win the election: “In the same way but with water and gas we will throw out the violent who cut the streets during our government. Long live the Argentinian meat!” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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