translated from Spanish: Camila Outon, the former Ugly Duckling talked about her encounter with Thelma Fardín: “We have confidence, we love each other”

It was more than seven months since Thelma Fardin publicly denounced Juan Darthés. It was December 11, 2018. The theater was filled with journalists and actresses. After a statement, a video was transmitted with his first-person testimony.” For nine years I anuded him so that I could move on, until a few months ago I heard another girl accuse the same person and that was a slap for me,” she was heard saying in the first few seconds of the video. In this context, Thelma Fardín recounted that when she was 16 years old, in 2009 and as part of a tour with the youth soap opera that starred, “Patito feo”, in Nicaragua, Juan Darthés raped her.

Thelma Fardin denounced Juan Darthés Photo: Instagram

The young actress’ testimony – accompanied by dozens of Argentine actresses – marked a before and after in society, was the turning point that many needed. From that moment on, a wave of allegations and accusations from multiple victims of abuse emerged, both in Justice and on social media.” I always think that healing has a lot to do with putting into words, and in that sense what happened was a milestone because it invited a lot of people to put into words what happened to him. I think it’s the first step you have to take to heal a pain as strong and powerful as a victim of abuse,” Camila Outon said, in dialogue with Filo.News.More than ten years ago, Outon played Pia, one of “The Divines.” , in youth fiction. From then on he formed an intense bond of friendship with Thelma, and logically felt affected after what happened.

Thelma Fardín and Camila Outon, of teens

“From my closeness to her I lived it with a deep sadness for the situation, but at the same time from a great admiration because I know the beautiful human being he is and I found very brave what he did,” she considered. United beyond the Cordillera
Camila Outon is living in Chile. After falling in love with actor and director Mauricio Carrera, the actress decided to settle in that country. However, far from losing contact with their affections, take every opportunity to enjoy a reunion. One of his recent reunions was, precisely, with Thelma, who traveled to Chile to support the struggle at the request of legal, safe and free abortion; with Laura Azcurra, companion of the collective Law Erices Argentinas.
Thelma’s journey marked an opportune time to see each other, and both engaged in affectionate messages through their social media, where they expressed how much it means to each other. In dialogue with Filo.News, Camila provided details about the day she saw her colleague again. “The reunion was super natural, we’re friends, we have confidence, we love each other,” she said.

Thelma Fardín and Camila Outon, of teens

She also mentioned how Thelma, who a few days ago had to be assisted by the SAME ambulance after suffering a panic attack, looks like.” She is well, surrounded by people who love her very much, who care for her, she accompanies her. I think that containment network is super necessary for the circumstance it goes through. Luckily it has it,” acknowledged Camila.Contener (us)
When a person admits to being abused, it is necessary to have that hug that says, “I believe you, sister.” This is what Camila, who highlights the support her friend received. Containment networks are diverse. From the profession, as is the case of the group Actresses Argentinas or Las Bolten, to in close groups, social organizations, among many more. Feminism has multiple ways to heal.

Camila Outon acknowledges that her feminist struggle arose from a teenager Photo: Instagram @outoncamila

“I don’t belong to any of the collectives (of actresses) for anything in particular really,” acknowledges Camila Outon, although she highlights her presence on the streets, where the request of citizens is open.” I’m always at the marches: for legal abortion, on March 8, and many more demonstrations. It’s a cause I didn’t start thinking about right now. Actually, I was talking to my mom the other day. She told me – well, Mom’s comment – that she was very proud of me because from a very young girl I silvered her that this fight compromised me,” she says. I was like, ‘Thank you because really, because when we spoke at first I didn’t understand you, I didn’t see what I see today, and I’m moved that over the years you continue to support it because Today I’m a lady’,” she adds excitedly.

Camila Outon Photo: Instagram @outoncamila

Since her teenage years, Camila has been on gender issues, which recently gained the most strength in the social agenda, of course, the product of many women’s struggles since the visibility and request of implementation of state policies.” All this struggle I have been fighting for more than ten years and I always believed it,” she says. Road to equality
From the time actresses stand in front of a camera to denounce the behaviors of those who thought themselves untouchable, the request for legal abortion, to the militancy of thousands of people, signifies a major social advance. We are moving forward, although there are still several issues to review.” Basically we’re arguing about legal, safe and free abortion shows that there’s been a breakthrough. Undoubtedly, the law of equal marriage or gender identity law have been fundamental steps to start discussing certain things,” considers the actress today resident in Chile.From her perspective, the media contributed to these progress and, in several respects, accompany social grievances. “Gender issues are much more problematizing today. From entertainment sites to news and soap operas. I think that’s interesting and it’s super good, because you need to get in the way of it in the times that run,” Camila says.

Camila Outon Photo: Instagram @outoncamila

“I think the thing is to always work towards equality, in every way. For example: review ingence and child tenure laws. I think we’ve been old in those respects. We still have a very sexist protocol, where the father is the one who provides – as a hunter – and the mother who cares. I think we need to equate the functions and work more on the idea that the dad also hugs, kisses and bathes, and the mom goes out to laburar and has that space of autonomy and fullness,” he adds. In addition to being connected by its proximity, in Argentina and Chile there is a debate about the need to implement the decriminalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy. “Legal, safe and free abortion is urgent. It should be an agenda item for our representatives. I don’t think it has anything to do with Argentina or Chile. While we are separated by a mountain range, a geographical boundary, in this matter we are completely united,” she says.

Camila Outon Photo: Instagram @outoncamila

A year ago, the National Congress rejected the bill. However, far from the cessation of abortions, what increased was the rate of women killed by this clandestine practice and being forced to give birth. Amnesty International said: more than 3,000 women died and more than a million and a half put their lives and health at risk.” Legal, safe and free abortion is urgent. Every day girls die in deplorable conditions, from poorly performed abortion practices. No state should ignore that. We can’t be complicit in that. This fight is necessary,” says Camila.” For so many years we have set our eyes on Europe on so many things and for decades that abortion has been legal, safe and free there. So let’s take care of the paradigm shift and the place of women. She’s the one who has to decide on her own body. We all have to fight for it,” concludes the actress immersed in the times that are around. Currently the Nicaraguan Prosecutor’s Office is considering sending Juan Darthés to trial, who fled to Brazil, his native country, following the repudiation of Thelma Fardín’s rape allegation.
Among the elements that the Justice will consider to make its decision on the accused is the testimony of Thelma’s castmates in “Ugly Duckling”.

Original source in Spanish


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