translated from Spanish: Responsible for multiple hit-and-run in San Miguel was placed on remand

This Saturday, Juan Pablo Avila, the subject responsible for a multiple hit-and-run recorded yesterday in the commune of San Miguel, was formalized and left a deceased and four injured people, including two children. As detailed by the prosecutor Alonso Hormazábal, of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office Metropolitana Sur, the man was placed on remand, after being charged for driving under the effects of narcotic or psychotropic substances (marijuana) resulting in death, damage and injuries of varying consideration. The event occurred yesterday at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Fifth Avenue, where the defendant lost control of his vehicle, running over a group of people who were in a public transport location and then crashing into a pole. As a result, a 50-year-old man, identified as Luis Alberto García Cotoche, died at the scene, while two children, aged 4 and 6, were injured, being referred to the Exequiel González Cortés Hospital. The mother of the children, who was also injured, was taken to Barros Luco Hospital. Finally, the detained man’s companion also suffered injuries. Following the formalization hearing, it was determined that Avila will be held in Santiago I prison for the 90 days established for the investigation of this case.

Original source in Spanish


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