translated from Spanish: Furor at K-Pop by confirmation of the romance between JIhyo of TWICE and Kang Daniel

One of the premises that the hard K-Pop industry often has is that its artists do not have loving relationships or, if so, keep them hidden from the public eye. That’s why this news generated so many repercussions: Jihyo – a member of the girl group TWICE – and Kang Daniel – a former former member of Wanna One, now a soloist – are coming out.

The scoop was Dispatch, a South Korean portal dedicated to the entertainment, but the striking thing was that the labels themselves that manage the artists’ career confirmed the information.

From JYP Entertainment, which works with TWICE, they declared to the Middle StarNews that they both “have good feelings for each other,” while KONNECT Entertainment was more direct: “We can confirm that Kang Daniel and Jihyo meet together.”

As reported by the local media, Jihyo and Kang Daniel – the two of 22 years – began their relationship in early 2019 and are seen approximately once a week. A date they held last Thursday, August 1, in Seoul’s Hannam neighborhood was the fact that he ratted them out as a couple.

Jihyo and Kang Daniel are dating.

As everything that happens in K-Pop is transformed into Trending Topic on Twitter, this case was no exception. Luckily, fans celebrated the news and asked to “don’t throw a bad wave” at them.

Original source in Spanish


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