translated from Spanish: Intercultural film project will present its short films made by children at Centro Cultural La Moneda

Encourage inclusion and reflection through cinema. This is the objective of the project “Light, Camera + Inclusion”, a film workshop that thanks to the current technological tools proposed a reflection through the images of Chilean children and adolescents and migrants regarding their reality and experiences in the Today.
It will be themselves who will present to the community three audiovisual pieces: “I am Me”, proposal on identity, so diverse but with similar aspects in people regardless of their nationality or origin; “We love our skin color”, which experiences shades; and “Los Sueños”, a piece that delves into topics such as territory, self-esteem and dreams from the point of view of children living in an isolated mountain territory located 8 km from the border with Argentina.
The appointment, with free entrance, is for this Friday, August 9 at 10:00 hrs. at the Palacio La Moneda Cultural Center (Metro La Moneda).
Agents of change
“Our challenge as a foundation is for children to empower themselves and express themselves through art. We want them to be heard and to become agents of change, and to be able to fight against the stereotypes that adults impose on them,” says Ruth Martinez, executive director of the Chimera Foundation.
“We put limits of dreams and creativity on children. While this sample reflects our first phase of experimentation in these workshops, the message that remains is very powerful and we look forward to continuing to take the project to many other parts,” he adds.
The exhibition will be an instance in which representatives of various institutions will participate, including the oCACH organization, Children without Racism Chair of the U. of Chile, Alicia Vega School of Communications of the U. de Chile, Laboratory of Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Migration, Foundation for overcoming poverty, Incubator Chile Includes, among others.
The initiative carried out by Fundación Acción Chimera and which began in 2017, has passed through the communes of Lo Prado, Quilicura, Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Cochamó.
As the next challenge, it already has funding to carry out a new intervention in October in the commune of La Pintana, with a workshop “Light, Chamber + Inclusion on Immigration Bereavement”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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