translated from Spanish: SII to review e-site cadastre and agricultural sites for payment of contributions

The Internal Revenue Service (SII) will update its cadasatheques from Egovernment sites and agricultural sites to determine whether those lands have a new construction or if they are maintained in the same way. This will serve to have greater certainties of whether these lands maintain their use or were definitely non-agricultural. María Alicia Muñoz, deputy director of SII Appraisals, explained to Pulso that every year, “the SII must re-evaluate unbuilt sites, better known as Eederia sites, for which municipalities reported the sites to the which should be subject to a contribution surcharge, also indicating a significant number of properties that must change their condition, including existing constructs.” For this second semester they will review “a universe of 4,000 erial site-bound territories or territories that might have some construction,” he added. From the SII reported that last year a control plan was applied to 913 agricultural sites that allowed to detect the existence of 571 plots of liking that were classified as non-agricultural and 2,373 Sites, of which 703 changed destination, which allowed an increase of more than 1.1 billion pesos.

Original source in Spanish


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