translated from Spanish: Minister Pla confirmed that the femicide victim had filed a complaint against her partner

the Minister of Women and Gender Equity, Isabel Plá, sentenced the 27th femicide so far this year and parricide that occurred today in the town of Pedegua, where a 38-year-old woman and her one-year-old daughter lost their lives at the hands of her peer eja and father. The secretary of state stated that “the first thing is that the Chilean government regrets this tragedy. The police and the prosecutor’s office are investigating, it is very important to collect all the background to know what happened and why this man kills his wife and daughter and kills himself.” She also detailed that the 38-year-old victim, identified as Daysi Inostroza, was not Sernameg’s user, but that last year she filed a domestic violence complaint that she then withdrew. Following this, Isabel Plá stated “It is very important when a victim is given up, asked and investigated Why is she making that decision? He’s doing it freely and voluntarily or he’s doing it under threat. It is very likely that she has decided for some reason beyond her control, not to persist in this report of violence against her partner, and it is very important to call to denounce women, to ask her environment for help to seek institutions to accompany them i.d.” He also called on victims of violence for guidance. Finally, the minister said that the ministry of Women and Sernameg made available to the victim’s relatives, psychological, social and legal support.

Original source in Spanish


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