translated from Spanish: Francisca Garcia-Huidobro and Jennifer Warner’s raw account after being bullied

Channel 13 host Francisca García-Huidobro and guest Jennifer Warner moved viewers after recounting a crude episode of job-following harassment that they experienced while working at SQP. In deep conversation, Warner began to recount the harsh abuse suffered on TV by his boss. In fact, at the time the host of the show made a mea culpa and stated that “we were wrong not to have stopped that at the time.” To which Jennifer, who is now a neurolinguistic coach, told me that “I had a hard time having to face an entire team after a post natal and feel that everything was coming at me. I felt it wasn’t validated by my teammates and decided to change turns.” At that moment, Francisca García-Huidobro confessed and recounted that “I didn’t lose my job but I lost about 10 kilos. I left that program weighing 41 kilos and today I weigh 49 kilos, imagine with eight kilos less than I weigh now.” After a few years I realized the profound damage that had caused me to go through this violence (…) I never allowed anyone to talk to me that way again, not with that tone, or treat me that way. I find it hard to believe that this person is still working with human beings,” she said. Besides, he did a mea culpa for not doing something in time. “I feel like we’re all wrong, we, our fellow men. To naturalize this, to get to work every day knowing what was going to happen to you (…) It’s very oligophrenic to work that way.” Finally, the very excited driver concluded that “I haven’t remembered that time for a long time, and now that I remember it, I’m excited, I feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for myself at that moment…”

Original source in Spanish


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