translated from Spanish: Maria Eugenia Vidal’s response to Julio De Vido’s exaggeration

In a controversy that was already forgotten, amid the fervor of the election campaign, it was Julio De Vido, the former Minister of Federal Planning – imprisoned in the penal of Marcos Paz – who re-aired the unfortunate sayings of Maria Eugenia Vidal about the tragedy of tan pronto. “Back track is to travel on a train without automatic brake that will cause the tragedy of Eleven,” the governor said on television, a comment that generated the repudiation of the relatives of the victims and survivors of the rail tragedy that occurred on 22 February 2012 and which caused the deaths of 51 people. Now, during an interview on Radio Cooperative, De Vido said the Governor of Bonaerense is an “expert in stirring shit.”
“It bothers that there is someone who is not of the system and woman who governs for the first time,” Vidal replied. 

“I don’t take it as an insult to myself, it’s a lack of respect for the millions of Bonaerenses, mostly to women,” she added in dialogue with Radio Mitre.More on this subject: Maria Eugenia Vidal and the political need to repeat her electoral feat She said that ” that translates into a way of doing politics. It’s not an exaggeration. It is a policy that believes that aggression and machismo can be a part of it.” In the talk, the governor further emphasized that next Sunday’s primary election puts “a system of values” at stake and that people “vote for what they see,” so “the reasons” of the vote “have to do with facts and values.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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