translated from Spanish: 7 thousand are left out of the UAS when not accepted

Culiacan, Sinaloa.- Only 7 thousand are left out of the UAS, 84% of the demand is accepted
Of 45 thousand 657 who took the Ceneval exam to enter the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, 38 thousand 615 were accepted at the upper and higher average level, that is, 7 thousand 042 students failed to occupy a space. The rector of the UAS, Juan Eulogio Guerra Liera, presented a report with the statistical details of the admission process of the 2019-2020 school year, with which, he stated that, the Autonomous Of Sinaloa is the university with the greatest coverage at the national level. 
However, he stated that the level of coverage was excessive in the area of health, since there were not enough available spaces for medical graduates to carry out their practices and social service. He commented that, it is necessary to create hospitals and public health clinics, so that medical interns can complete their studies, without running the risk of not reaching a space of public and private health institutions, for for this cycle, only for this cycle, only there are 843 open beds. There were 3,421 new students in the area of health, of which 370 are from the bachelor’s degree in general practitioner. “Clinical spaces for graduate students are far exceeded and more infrastructure and investment in the health sector is needed so that students can complete their studies and soon their practices and services are needed more clinics and hospitals”, Said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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