translated from Spanish: Today there are classes normally

As anticipated since last week, the Directorate-General for Schools (DGE) confirmed that on Monday, August 12, classes will take place normally. The watchrooms have already cleaned up the establishments after the polls and the classrooms are ready for teachers and students to arrive.
“It’s strange that this wasn’t done before” (Jaime Correas, General Manager of Schools)

“Actually, it was strange that this wasn’t done before. It was a kind of ‘Argentine custom’ not to work the day after the elections, even if operational stakes like the ones we implemented,” argued the Director General of Schools Jaime Correas.Se estimates that in election years they were reached to miss up to six days of class because of the clean-up and disinfection that, instead of developing on the same Sunday, were left for the day after the election. But for a while now that has changed. The watchmen who worked on Sunday will receive $1,200 for their homework, with no compensation with a day off. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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