translated from Spanish: Know what type of bra you should wear according to the physical activity you will do

When exercising many times women feel uncomfortable because we must adjust the bra every time so that it does not run, so that it asserts more and shows no more of the count. However, this only happens for one reason: we are not wearing the right bra.
This was confirmed today by the personal trainer of Energy Sport Clubs, Carola Vergara, who confessed that throughout his life he has tried many bras.
“In my mind and in my experience, conventional support is not a good element for training. Not even sports cup bras. For me, a good training bra is one that has good tension and a certain level of compression on the skin.”
Particularly for running or jogging, Vergara’s recommendation is “to wear a bra that not only holds the bust, but also the skin, which suffers a very long bounce over time, which causes sagging. Beyond falling the bust, the skin also loosens,” he explained. So, the ideal bra for running is a thick, compressive one that corrects the posture from behind (those who in the back are like a muscular shirt).
The same type of bra is good for kick boxing and dancing, where there is also a lot of rebound.
For the practice of gentler disciplines, such as yoga or pilates, “you don’t need a very specific bra,” she said. However, because some poses require you to turn upside down or in other positions that are not common in everyday life, he said that “a bra with a lot of cleavage can get a little in the way. Therefore, it is ideal to wear a high sports bra, without a décolletage”. Those that reach almost the neck are very fashionable, although it should be noted that it also has something to correct the posture.
Of course, sports bras for exercise should have rather thick bretes because the thin ones (or with certain types of brooches) can cause skin erosions, especially when playing sports with rubbing.
What about the panties?

According to Inacap costume designer Francisca Pinto, exercise panties always have to be cotton. “They may be tgas, panties or colaless, but always cotton to take care of health,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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