translated from Spanish: Order, greatness and calm call for different sectors of the economy

In the face of the economic earthquake that Argentines experienced during these hours, the Economic Federation of Mendoza as the Commercial and Industrial Union of the province expressed their concern and called for order, grandeur and calm to face the political transition that is being carrying out. From UCIM, and through its president Daniel Ariosto, he pronounced “In the face of the shock in the markets, falling bonds, rising dollar stakes and increased country risk, the century-old institution wants to ask the entrepreneurs of the province to maintain their serenity, calmness and reflection and urges politicians to prioritize peace of mind throughout the country and citizens’ rights first and foremost. Election results are the product of what citizens have chosen and regardless of political decisions, government officials must safeguard the economic system and the exercise of business work because they are united workers’ rights and the country’s production.” He continued to refer to small and medium-sized enterprises “SMEs are suffering this moment of slobend but supporting governance here until the end of management. And the national government itself cannot jeopardize the future of businesses, and above all, that of SMEs that are the main generators of employment. If all the actors involved in national and provincial life act thoughtfully and above all with solidarity, honesty and generosity we will be able to navigate this new critical moment in our history.” In the same vein, the EMF said “Argentine SMEs come from very tough times (20,000 SMEs closed in the last 2 years), we have repeatedly warned from both FEM and CAME to provincial and national authorities, about fiscal pressure lack of credit, inflation, falling consumption, poor prices for production, etc. without having obtained concrete answers. There are still 76 days left for the October national general election, so from the EMF we are at the disposal of the government authorities to generate stability and an orderly transit to the elections. In short, we must create a minimum expectation for the coming months.” Concluding with a better-positioned message for the political force “We also ask those who today have received the support of society to become a true alternative to government, assume this responsibility by contributing to governance.” In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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