translated from Spanish: Rains leave 12 families affected in Concordia

Concordia.- The constant rainfall recorded in the municipality brought with it the first increases in rivers and streams of this head, which led to the mobilization of Civil Protection to protect people taking the precautions due before these events. The effects
After the heavy rains, the flow of the Concordia river, which crosses the entire headboard, recorded an increase in its level that exceeded the ford.

Residents of the communities of Mesillas and El Verde also witnessed these growing. In the latter agricultural community, the neighbours consider that the rains will greatly benefit farmers in the region, since it practically terminates the drought problem that they have been suffering in this sector and in other areas of the municipality.


In the community of Mesillas, because the transformer of the Los Mangos well, which supplies water to this town, was affected by a fault, this service was suspended throughout the community, so it proceeded to be supplied with pipes. At the municipal headwaters, the storm channel that flows into the Concordia River recorded several plugs in its flow due to the debris that the neighbors throw in some sectors of it.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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