translated from Spanish: Man injured in gun attack in Zamora, Michoacán

home Security Man injured in gun attack in Zamora, Michoacán

Zamora, Michoacán.- A man was injured when he was gunned down in the Linda Vista colony that is located in this city of Zamora. Those responsible for the attack went on the run in an uncharted direction, while the person affected ended up hospitalized, official voices mentioned.
The event was on Huertas Street, the neighbors heard the gun detonations and learned of the criminal event, an instant when they called some paramedics and the police when they saw the affected person lying on the ground and wounded.
Faced with the situation to the site the elements of the Municipal Police and the Rescue and Rescue personnel were moved, the latter was in charge of giving the first aid to the offended and immediately channeling it to the Hospital Juan Pablo II, located in this town. Patrolmen searched for the assailants, but there were no positive results in their location.
News work learned that the injured man said his name was Daniel R., 35. The ministerial authorities carried out the competent steps in relation to the matter with a view to clarifying it. The aggrieved man was interned with police guards in order to avoid another end of violence against him.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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