translated from Spanish: Oral health: prevention is the key

Mexico.- Visiting the dentist every six months, brushing teeth three times a day and avoiding foods high in sugars are important actions to prevent oral diseases, said Dr. Jesús Eduardo Pérez Domínguez, Head of the Area of Stomatology of the First Level at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). He noted that the Institute has strategies in place to promote the importance of oral health; one of them, he said, is aimed at children under the age of 10 who receive training on the technique of effective brushing and detection of dento-bacterial plaque as well as a topical application of fluoride, preferably twice to the year, to prevent cavities from appearing.

He detailed that these tasks are part of the PrevenIMSS strategy, which seeks to achieve a positive change in hygiene habits, as a tool to reduce the prevalence of oral diseases that most affect the rightholders: cavities and periodontitis, both due to poor or poor hygiene. Help. Click on the Google News star and follow us. Dr. Pérez Domínguez said that the most vulnerable groups of cavities or periodontal disease are children, adolescents, pregnant women and people with diabetes. He noted that oral-dental health is the absence of diseases or disorders that affect the mouth, oral cavity and teeth and is an important part of ensuring overall health.
Ensuring oral health is the principle for comprehensive health, as the stomatognathic system is responsible for chewing, salivation, and swallowing, physiologically allows to feed and express ourselves.

It recommended that during the holiday period right-holders go to the medical service or some PrevenIMSS module to be checked and that the fluoride layer be applied to them, in addition they will be given a toothbrush and two plaque pads dentobacterial. He stressed that protective actions are also focused on children between 1 and 5 years of age in IMSS kindergartens, who are also given a dose of fluoride; In addition, he said, in the period of initiation of higher and higher middle-level classes in the country’s public institutions, modules were established to promote care for oral conditions.

Also, during the National Oral Health Week, which takes place on two dates, one in April and one in November, the IMSS implements preventive and curative actions aimed at reducing the incidence and prevalence of oral diseases that most affect Population. The stomatologist said that regarding the main oral problems of the population, the data indicate that at the national level, 90% of Mexicans are affected by cavities and 70% are affected by gum disease; as for the right-wing IMSS population, said 78% have cavities and 60% periodontal disease. He stressed that every year the IMSS provides 4 million 600 thousand dental consultations on average, of which 42% are women; 18% are men; 12% are girls and boys, 18% are older adults and 10% are teenagers.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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