translated from Spanish: The measure criticized by Alberto Fernández is in the proposal of the Front of All

Following the wide difference in THE STEPS and the exchange rate run that created economic chaos this week, Mauricio Macri’s government announced a series of measures that seem desperate for the general election in October.

One such measure was the elimination of VAT on some foods. Products from the basic basket such as bread, milk, dried pasta, preserves and sugar, among others, will remain on sale until 31 December without the above tax. Some analysts are hesitating about the scope of this measure, but say that compliance will benefit lower-income sectors. This decision was criticized by Alberto Fernández, although it is on the list of proposals of the Front of All and would be one of the policies they would implement if they come to power after the Elections in October.

On the party’s electoral platform, they consider that “urgent intervention from the field of public policy” is needed and propose, among other measures, to eliminate VAT on the products that make up the basic basket.


“Eating is a right, eating is not a privilege: it is the obligation of the State to guarantee the human right for all families to access the basic food basket through the elimination of VAT on the products that make up it,” the proposal says.

Original source in Spanish


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