translated from Spanish: About the University of Talca and its Rector

Mr. Director: 
Without going into the detail of the statements contained about the University of Talca and its Rector in the note published dated 14.08.19 by the newspaper you lead, I would like to express to you and all your readers that the tone powerfully draws attention to the tone biased and partial of it. That a “serious” company like the one you run echoes a sustained campaign of institutional smear that arises only from the resentment and personal frustration of a small group of academics and former academics whose outdated view of University has achieved a very low accession in the last four elections of Rector, it is not disappointing. We are many academics, professionals, administrators, students and alumni who we have worked for years on the ambitious project of building a great University for the Maule Region and for the country. The evidence that we’re making it is overwhelming. Isn’t that what generates the encouragement of those with their bad milk who try by all means to muddy the image of our authorities and our University?
Yerko Moreno Simunovic
University of Talca

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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