translated from Spanish: Rumors of separation between China Suarez and Benjamin Vicuña bebunked

Rumors of separation between the Eugenia “China” Suarez and Benjamin Vicuña circulated this weekend. From the absence of photos on their social networks, to the comments of their followers asking for explanations were some of the facts that alerted about an alleged estrangement.

China Suarez and Benjamin Vicuña Photo: Instagram @benjavicunamori

The novelty was confirmed by “Involved”, a program conducted by Daniel Gómez Rinaldi on Channel 9. “You saw that ‘when the river sounds, water brings’. Here there is a real distance to the point that you can say that you are not living together,” said panelist César Juricich.

This morning, the journalist Angel de Brito decided to put an end to the rumors that ensured a estrangement between the two actors, who work on the telenovela of Pol-ka “Argentina: land of love and revenge”.

Rufina’s Birthday Photo: Stories from Instagram @sangrejaponesa

“Yesterday several programs and some colleagues were talking about a crisis between Benjamin Vicuña and China Suarez, which was denied by them, were together celebrating Rufina’s birthday,” the journalist and driver reported at the start of their television show, “The Angels of the morning”.

Photo: Stories from Instagram @sangrejaponesa

De Brito mentioned that even Nicolás Cabré , the father of Rufina, the eldest daughter of China Suarez, and Laurita Fernández, his partner, were even present. It was also known that Pedro Alfonso, Paula and their children were present, given the friendship they have with the couple and Rufina.

Photo: Stories from Instagram @sangrejaponesa

The celebration was held at a party and even carried the unicorn theme, as the actress showed through her Instagram stories. Benjamin, meanwhile, also shared birthday content: a photo where he is being made up to his youngest son, Benicio, the result of his relationship with Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain.

Photo: Stories from Instagram @sangrejaponesa

“For now, dismissed the subject. Yes there is romance in that couple,” De Brito concluded and began with the themes of the day with his panelists. 

Photo: Stories from Instagram @benjavicunamori

Original source in Spanish


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