translated from Spanish: Mechanisms and laws should be properly implemented to prevent gender-based violence: Sergio Baez

Morelia, Michoacán. The local congressman of Michoacán, Sergio Báez Torres, considered that the laws and mechanisms currently in place should be applied correctly to prevent violence against women, as he argued that government bodies should focus more in the situation that has left a very considerable amount of femicide in the country.
The legislator representing District XXI for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) party questioned the lack of measures in areas that are red spots of murder or violence against women.
“It is not possible that there are areas where this phenomenon is being given the most frequently, there we would have to implement the measures already contemplated so that this can be controlled.”
Báez Torres detailed that the unfortunate situation of violence, requires a change of attitude in both the authorities and society in general, since distrust in governing bodies prevents violent women from reporting.
“This situation, if it forces us to change our attitude, both authorities and society, is the only way we can face reality.”
For this reason, the Member of the parliamentary fraction of Morena assured that in The MichoacanCongress we must continue with the task of ensuring the protection and rights of women, that their integrity is respected, and that, in doing so, we learn to have a coexistence in which men and women can develop freely.
The congressman from the municipality of Buenavista lamented that last weekend’s feminist march has been devirtualized, giving more diffusion to the graffiti that was carried out during its process, however, said that the mass mobilization of women it sends a clear message to all citizens: to demand a halt to the situation of violence.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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