translated from Spanish: The Faculty of Dentistry of La Plata serves more than a thousand patients per day, free of charge

Every day between 1000 and 1500 citizens of La Plata, Berisso, Ensenada, Solano, Quilmes, Berazategui, Magdalena, Florencio Varela and surroundings attend the University Dental Hospital to be attended for free. The Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata has a team (the CAD CAM scanner) that allows them to perform dental implants in 45 minutes when in any office it would take a month. The scanner and carver that the Faculty has, acquired through the Ministry of Health of the Nation, streamlines the process: “In the first instance the team performs a scan of the whole mouth and the precise place where the treatment should be performed, immediately it is builds a digital model and designs the crown within 10 minutes,” said Sergio Lazo, Secretary of Planning and Extension of the academic unit. Then “the dental piece is taken to the porcelain oven where it is given aesthetics and shine (the color of the patient’s teeth). This takes about five minutes and finally the crown is installed in the patient’s mouth. As a result, in less than an hour the procedure that by traditional methods would take a month is performed,” the professional concluded.

“We currently have two scanners, a carver and two ovens donated by the province’s ministry of health. To put them into operation, the faculty acquired highly complex software that allows, in addition to working with the carver, to use a 3D printer with which dental parts are made”. The Hospital attends between 8 and 23 hours with 24-hour guards.” In addition to the University Dental Hospital, we have 153 Operating Units throughout the region that operate in different parts of the city and if they have a case of high complexity they refer it to the Dental Hospital”.

To use the services of the University Dental Hospital to present from Monday to Friday from 8 to 23hs and Saturday from 8 to 17hs.
Presenting D.N.I and in case of minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Entrance by 51 and 115. (Website information updated on 22-06-2018).

Original source in Spanish


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